Contact Us

If you have any inquiries or would like to request for further information regarding our products and services, please call our Corporate Sales Specialists at 6396 4222 or Email us below. Our phone lines are operational from 9am to 10:30pm daily.

Main Outlet

   188 Race Course Road #01-03 Singapore 218612

   6396 4222

Walk 2-min from Farrer Park MRT (Entrance of Exit F)
Drive via Roberts Lane from Serangoon Road
Opens from 9am to 10:30pm from Mondays to Sundays including public holidays
Biz. Registration No.: 52975378B


Our Shop Outlet in Singapore

188 Race Course Road #01-03
Singapore 218612

Walk 2-min from Farrer Park MRT (Entrance of Exit F)
Drive via Roberts Lane from Serangoon Road

Tel: (65) 6396 4422

Biz. Registration No.: 52975378B