Grad Chocolate Rose Bouquet
CODE: 3384
$139.00These luscious preserved chocolate roses (3 stalks) nestled amidst a tapestry of cotton and sala flowers essembled in a rustic khaki green and creamy hues wrapper. Approx. 35cm tall
Note: preserved roses are real fresh roses treated to last for years.
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Step 2: Select Delivery Date
Step 3: Select Timing
Delivery will be anytime within the selected time slot above.
For urgent delivery, please call us at 6396 4222 before placing your order online.
Grad Chocolate Rose Bouquet
CODE: 3384
- $139.00
These luscious preserved chocolate roses (3 stalks) nestled amidst a tapestry of cotton and sala flowers essembled in a rustic khaki green and creamy hues wrapper. Approx. 35cm tall
Note: preserved roses are real fresh roses treated to last for years.
Select your desired delivery date/time below:

delivery will be anytime within the selected time slot above.
for urgent delivery, please call us at 6396 4222 before placing your order online.