The season of festivities may be coming to an end, but that definitely is not a reason to stop decorating the house! Regardless of the occasion, or even if there were no occasion at all, you should always feel entitled to spruce up your place with whatever makes you feel best. Since Valentine’s day is just over, we’re suspecting a good number of you have flower delivery of bouquets to your home.

We thought it would be a good idea to provide some ideas on how to put these fresh blooms to good use, by showing you the various ways flower bouquets can be displayed in the household! Of course, we do not want to convey the message that only those who received flowers should be decorating – regardless of whether you received any, if you want some flowers for your house, here’s your permission to go get it girl! We have thus also gone beyond the traditional bouquets to bring to you some novel display methods that people have used to beautify their space with flowers.